Sun over Canary Wharf
On the canal
Sputnik has landed
The Queens Wheels
Fly past silhouette
Happy Birthday Lizzie Can I have a slice of cake please
Red Arrows
Underground London
Light at the end of the tunnel
Dont feed the birds lest they grow
Red Arrows
The Queens Walk at the end of the day
london thames towerbridge
Trying out another gadget the Basis Health Tracker which can monitor various things about you through the day including resting heart rate skin temperature and perspiration along with the usual step count and estimated calorie burn
london thames londoneye
Soaking up some sun
Does my neck look big in this
Otters on the run at Zoo Lates
Looking forward to trying out my nomadgoods Charge Key - saves carrying a charging cable
Pizza  Crate
Dramatic skies over The Shard
lion door knocker london
london hampsteadheath rain park
A different view of London on a rather damp day
Exercising the legs
london thames river boats
Olympic legacy